Home » 16 Project Based Learning Unit Ideas for Spring

16 Project Based Learning Unit Ideas

Have you ever stared at your PBL unit planner and drawn a blank? Coming up with a Project Based Learning unit idea can be daunting and worse yet, it can halt the PBL planning process completely.

PBL unit ideas take time to cultivate and create. Below are a few driving questions that might help to spark some additional ideas for you. Read each section of ideas. Then, take the full question or write a driving question more to your liking.

16 Spring PBL Unit Ideas


  • - How can we, as community leaders, help provide a warm and welcoming location for seasonal workers?
  • - How can we, as wildlife enthusiasts, support the plants and animals in our community during spring?
  • - How can we, as future (insert grade), help prepare next year’s class for success in our classroom?
  • - How can we, as vacationers, inform our school about the importance of safety during spring break?
  • - How can we, as avid play seekers, provide our school with adequate play, so that we can learn?


  • - How can we, as gardeners, help feed those who are hungry?
  • - How can we, as healthy eaters, grow food for our school?
  • - How can we, as gardeners, educate others on how to have a healthy garden at home?

Earth Day

  • - How can we, as conservationists, encourage our community to make responsible decisions with our resources?
  • - How can we, as protectors of nature, encourage our school to make responsible decisions with our waste?
  • - How can we, as advocates for recycling, encourage our community to make changes, so that we can all live healthier lives? 
  • - How can we, as citizens of earth, educate our community about the need to protect our local plants and animals?
  • - Can we, as the future generation of leaders, mold our community into a place where plants and animals can thrive?


  • - How can we, as believers in Christ, teach others about the importance of Easter?
  • - How can we, as followers of Christ, show his love to others in our community?
  • - How can we, as caretakers of God’s creations, be good stewards of the animals and plants God made?



While there are so many other opportunities for Project Based Learning in spring, these ideas are sure to get you thinking about the potential spring has for learning. Once you have your ideas, planning a PBL unit will seem much less daunting.