Get my FREE Morning Basket Planner!
Do you feel lost when it comes to planning your morning basket time? This easy to use planner will help make planning a fun and enriching morning basket easy and sustainable for your homeschool.
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Have you ever wondered, what is the purpose of Morning Basket for preschoolers and toddlers? As a mother of twin toddlers and a preschooler, our homeschool Morning Basket routine contains some of our most important content and skills. But, in the beginning, our Morning Basket time was a hot mess. Only after a lot of research, […]
Seasonal PBL units are a wonderful way to integrate the themes and topics of a season into a Project Based Learning unit. This educational approach encourages inquiry, student voice, and increases engagement through real-world authentic problem solving and challenges. But coming up with ideas for PBL units can be challenging. Seasonal PBL unit ideas are […]
If you have been around the homeschooling block, even just for a bit, you have more than likely heard the phrase “Morning Basket”. As a new to homeschooling mama, one of my first questions was “What is a morning basket?”. I’ve learned a lot in the last year about different approaches to homeschooling and the […]
How can Project Based Learning help English Language Learners? With nearly 10 percent of the average American classroom speaking English as their second language, we as PBL facilitators must consider whether or not this methodology is the right fit for all of our students. Project Based Learning vocabulary instruction is a huge component of any […]
Have you ever stared at your PBL unit planner and drawn a blank? Coming up with a Project Based Learning unit idea can be daunting and worse yet, it can halt the PBL planning process completely. PBL unit ideas take time to cultivate and create. Below are a few driving questions that might help to […]